he was a bisexual and he batted 4 both teams but he was good at wot he did as a ceria and you should not judge him bcoz ov his sexuality
Bow wow is the Beale's dog.
hmm mm i think that his album will be the most selling one for him im not a big the game fan but i like few ov his new song on his latest album. i think that L.A.X is not his last for him cause people like 50cent and ja rule ect. have done this before. so don't beleave any roomers :)
becous he cant do anything besids the basic FU(basic fireman Cary drop, that when HBK did it twice on cena he didn't got a 1 count) and the STFU(alsso basic, STF hold, which no one has ever taped out to before he started to use it) and some clouthlines... besides. he is very boring in the ring, and he is in the WWE championship devizen for 2.5 years!!Answercuz everyone is getting bored ov his title reign. hes had it for so long, well he always has it. any belt, hes had it. and hes quite boring in the ring.
she used up too much of her chakra healing ALL the survivors from Peins attack. it took everything out ov her so she went into her state of coma
Ov Hell was created in 2009.
Kult ov Azazel was created in 1999.
World ov Worms was created in 2001.
Crack ov Dawn was created in 2002.
Direction Ov Travel was created in 1991.
Non-space worthy: OV-101 EnterpriseSpace worthy: OV-102 Columbia, OV-099 Challenger
OV-099, Challenger & OV-102, Columbia
2nd world cup t20 in England venue 2009 Final SL-Pak (sixers): SL: 6 (ov.4)+ 6 (ov.20) = Total 2 sixes PAK: 6 (ov.6) +6 (ov.7) + 6 (ov.14) + 6 (ov.18) = Total 4 sixes
King ov Hell was born on 1974-11-27.
Ou Reang Ov District's population is 82,806.
City Ov Paris was created on 1986-06-08.
a band ov ancient masonic brothers called the sons ov solomon.