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becous he cant do anything besids the basic FU(basic fireman Cary drop, that when HBK did it twice on cena he didn't got a 1 count) and the STFU(alsso basic, STF hold, which no one has ever taped out to before he started to use it) and some clouthlines... besides. he is very boring in the ring, and he is in the WWE championship devizen for 2.5 years!!


cuz everyone is getting bored ov his title reign. hes had it for so long, well he always has it. any belt, hes had it. and hes quite boring in the ring.

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13y ago
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18y ago

well John Cena has to stay in the buisness a little longer and then they will like them i for one am a john cena fan no one beats the CHAMP!!!

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15y ago

yes he was like my hero i wanted to date him i loved him but i guess im to young because im 8 and i want to no if hes going out with kelly kelly?

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Q: Do some people dislike John Cena?
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Who are John Cena's parents?

John Cena's parents are Carol and John Cena, Sr.

Why do people call John Cena a phony?

I assume you know about the scripted events of wrestling and the outcomes of matches. John Cena used backstage politics to protect his John Cena character from losing matches. Cena refused to put over new talents by burying them. For example: Damien Sandow cashed in Money In the Bank only to lost to him, horribly, losing to man with one arm, since Cena was injured on one of his arm. John Cena relied on jokes which are not very funny to makes fun of his opponents despite his motto Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. For example, a new talent like Bray Wyatt cutting serious promos. John Cena came out of the stage and cut a non serious promo and makes fun of the wyatt family and back to being serious. It does not sell the feud between them. The jokes don't help because it supposed to be a serious feud. Wyatt is a dark character who wants to expose Cena for being a fraud. He called Wyatt out for losing to him at wrestlemania but he was booked to win. But many fans don't know about the truth so they assume John Cena is the hero that children want to look up to. The truth is that many wrestlers have been feed to John Cena and now work in mid-card matches: Sandow, Ziggler, Mark Henry, Swagger, Ryder. CM Punk exposed Cena in his promos when he was given some freedom when he breaks Kayfabe. That is why people call Cena a phony.

Who is john cena's daughter?

Yes, The wwe champion john cena has a daughter. Her name is alica she is 16 years old and she is also cena's godaughter her parents were in a car crash, and both of her parents were very good friends with john. So he took her in and has been taking car of her.

Which famous people used speed?

There are lots of famous people who have used speed some of these people are: Charlie Sheen Lindsay Lohan John Cena Zac Rider Mark Henry Big Show Brad Elder Yao Ming My mother

Did John Cena live Raw on Monday?

Well yes and no. John Cena was knocked out when a "mystery man"(no one knows who he is!) came in but mystery man took out Cena and Punk. he is now a part of the nexus for some strange reason. but the bell was called when mystery man took out punk. CM punk sorta won by disqualification but no one is sure if because of the disqualification cena won. I hope that helps.

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Some people think that john cena is better than the great khali ...................................................................................... But some people think that the great khali is better............... I think that john cena is better than the great khali...............

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Who are John Cena's parents?

John Cena's parents are Carol and John Cena, Sr.

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john cena is better than wade barret!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well everyone has their own opinions so some people may think Barret is better and some may think Cena is better.

What are some similarities and differences between Miley Cyrus and John Cena?

Miley isn't a wrestler and John Cena is. John Cena isn't a celebrity and Miley is.

Is john cena hot?

he may be hot to some people but he is married as of 8/20/09

Who played John Cena?

some people that John Cena has played: Rey Mysterio Sheamus Triple H Shawn Michaels Randy Orton Edge The Big Show Chris Jericho Hornswoggle and alot more people!!

Where can we play john cena's games?

you can play some games about Superstars like John Cena at the WWE website

Is john cena really hot?

he may be hot to some people but he is married as of 8/20/09

Why do some people dislike Facebook?

Some people dislike facebook because they are stalked by people that they do not know.

Will john cena join Triple H in DX?

no cena wont join dx.and anyway hhh will get retired after some time. John Cena is a associate member.

How big are john cena's hands?

WWE wrestler John Cena has some pretty big hands but the exact measurements are unknown. John Cena beat Bray Wyatt at the latest WWE event, Payback.