Songwriter of 700 songs (To The Aisle, The Angels Smile, The Angels Listened In, I Thank The Moon, People Are Talking, Step By Step, Trouble In Paradise), record label co-owner (Hull Records), musician, singer (Billy Dawn Quartet, Four Dukes, Heralds).
Hunter Phoenix's birth name is Hunter Isabelle Phoenix.
Anna Nicole Smith's son was Daniel Wayne Smith, Smith's son from her marriage to Billy Smith.
Henry fambrough bobby smith billy Henderson pervis Jackson george dixon
billy tells him that bella had been leading jacob on.
Billie Jean King was born on November 22, 1943
Billy Smith was born on December 12, 1950.
Mysterious Billy Smith was born on 1871-05-15.
Billy Dee Smith was born on 1982-06-30.
Mysterious Billy Smith died on 1937-10-14.
Billy Smith - pitcher - was born on 1954-09-13.
Dawn M. Smith has written: 'Learning through observation and audition'
yes he is he was in breaking dawn part 1 why wouldn't he be part 2 of breaking dawn
Billy Smith died May 24, 1928, in New Orleans, LA, USA.
Hunter Phoenix's birth name is Hunter Isabelle Phoenix.
Australian rugby player William John "Billy" Smith is 75 years old (born July 12, 1942). Canadian ice hockey ex-goalie William John "Billy" Smith is 67 years old, born December 12, 1950. Billy Smith, cousin of Elvis Presley, is 74 years old, born April 6, 1943. A number of former Major League Baseball players had the name or nickname Billy Smith. Among the living players are: Billy F. Smith, player and coach born January 14, 1930. Billy E. Smith, second baseman born July 14, 1953. Billy L. Smith, pitcher born September 13, 1954.
cindy smith
Mackenzie dawn smith