John cena is better because Kane got beaten by MArk henry and John cena beat Mark henry so that proves John Cena is better
This question is a matter of opinion, therefore there is no correct or incorrect answer. Everyone has their own opinions about which one is better.
yes he is better than Triple H because first of all he is hott with a capitol HOTT...second of all i like Triple H and John Cena but John Cena is a little bit cooler.....and last but not least SHEAMUS IS STUPID FOR ATTACKING TRIPLE H LIKE THAT AND I LIKE BOTH OF THEM TRIPLE H AND JOHN CENA
i don't know very well but i like john cena better than the rock it could be the rock But John cena is a fan favorite if there was a match it would be john cena because WWE is scripted so john cena is like the money of the company but in a street fight i also think john cena cause of his strength
John Cena Came Back At Royal Rumble And Guess What He Also Won It
upsoulutely cena is better ,but hhh is better than cena
John Cena is a better ENTERTAINER he is used to talk on the mic and pump up the crowd Triple H is a better wrestler, he has padinent moves that make the crowd cheer. For wrestling HHH is better, for entertainment John Cena is better
triple h is better than cena ,i luv cena bt hhh is better,they two r gud wrestlers however hhh is some more better
of course he is better than cena, hhh is a guy whom u can turn from heel to face and face to heel instantly on the other hand there is this guy "cena" who gets his butt kicked for 90% of the match and out of nowhere goes on to win that match , cena truly sucks
Hbk 46 turning 47 hhh 44 john cena is 35 jeff hardy 38
It will be john cena at wm 24
no cena wont join dx.and anyway hhh will get retired after some time. John Cena is a associate member.
john cena, d-generationx(hhh&hbk)
Triple H No HHH was not Cena's best man at his wedding, Randy Orton was.