Baby Chris is Piper's second son also guy who came back from the future is in "Oh My Goddess!
At on
Chris was killed so baby chris could be born
holly was breastfeeding baby chris
Holly's children never played in Charmed. Holly's son Riley played Baby Chris.
Forever Charmed is the one adult chris was in.
At on
Chris was killed so baby chris could be born
He didnt he just went back to his own time when baby chris was born
holly was breastfeeding baby chris
Holly's children never played in Charmed. Holly's son Riley played Baby Chris.
Forever Charmed is the one adult chris was in.
Chris appears in episode 7 of season 7. Charmed 7x07 "Someone to Witch Over Me"
Riley Edward Combs (Holly Marie Combs son, who is Piper) played baby chris *Actually, Baby Chris was born on November 16, 2004 and Riley Edward Combs was born on October 26, 2006. Therefore, Riley could not have played Baby Chris.* There is not a direct answer anywhere online as to who actually played Baby Chris. However, Finley Arthur, her first born, was born on April 26, 2004. This could possibly be the baby that played him.
Drew Fuller
Drew Fuller.
Since Holly Marie Combs was pregnant when Piper became pregnant with Chris the babies were about the same age so for a while Holly's son Finely p[layed Chris in season eight.