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O who cares it just another tacky celebrity

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Q: Who is Tori's best friend in the song Best Friend's Brother?
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Who is toris best friend on victorious?

Probably Aundré because they hang out a lot together.

How do you break up with your best friends brother?

To break up with your best friend's brother do this. Talk to the brother about this. Tell him that you are not interested in it anymore.

Whose friends is like a brother?

My best friend ever is like my little brother <3

What do you do when you like your best friends brother?

tell your best friend if they don't mind go for him

Who is Jonas Brother's best friend?

Their best friends are Mandy, Garbo, Jack, JT, and Maya

Is it okay to hook up with your best friends brother?

Well, ask your best friend if it is ok.

What do you do when you go with your best friends brother when drunk but didnt regret it what should i do?

Tell your friend thst you like their brother

Who can and can not be a best man?

The best man is generally the groom's best friend or even a brother. There are no specific rules. If the wedding was taking place in another town or country and the groom did not have a best friend or brother present then he could have his bride's brother be best man or one of her male friends.

You love your best friends brother but were friends how do you tell him?

just be honest with your feelings or tell your friend first and hear what she has to say

What do you do if your best friend dont want you to go out with her brother?

Talk to her, ask her why? Because it's really annoying if your best friend dates your brother so sit and talk with her. Ignore her, because it is not her decision.

Is Darwin gumball's best friend?

no because darwin is his step brother but they play a lot together so they are really good brother but if darwin was his friend then they would be best friends so technically yes

You are 16 and she is 19. Her brother is 15 and is your best friend Your older brother is her age and is best friends with her older brother. You love her. What should you do?

maybe you should just let her know how you feel