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Sauron is a Maia (one of the Ainur, just below the Valar). Originally a follower of the Vala Aule the smith, he was corrupted by Morgoth (also known as the Vala Melkor).

  1. In the first age he assisted Morgoth in his battles with the elves. When Morgoth was defeated by the Valar (and banished to the void) at the end of the age, Sauron hid for a period of time.
  2. In the second age he set up the land of Mordor, appeared in Eregion assisting the elves in the making of Rings of Power, returned to Mordor and made the One Ring at the Cracks of Doom. Later taken prisoner by the men of Numenor, he eventually corrupted their king, who then attempted an assault on the Undying Lands in the Far West. With the sinking of Numenor, the shape of earth was changed so that only elven ship could make it to the Far West. Sauron returned to Mordor as a spirit (it is a bit of a mystery how the One Ring gets back to Middle Earth from Numenor with him in spirit form) and never again was able to appear in "fair form". He soon began another war against elves and men, but was defeated (at great cost) right on the slopes of mount Orodruin, Isildur cut off Sauron's finger with Elendil's (his father) broken sword and took the One Ring (but would not go to the Cracks of Doom nearby to destroy it).
  3. In the third age after a relatively long period of peace, Sauron appears "late" in the form of the Necromancer of south Mirkwood, looking for his One Ring in Anduin where Isildur died, not knowing that Smeagol (Gollum) already has it and is hiding in the caves of the Misty Mountains. When the Wizards (in the middle of The Hobbit book) expel the Necromancer, he returns to Mordor and shortly announces himself as Sauron and prepares for the War of the Ring (which is covered in The Lord of the Rings books). When the One Ring is destroyed in the Cracks of Doom, Sauron loses all ability to take form ever again and soon the age ends.

Other known Maiar include: Wizards (e.g. Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast), Balrogs, Melian (ancestor of Elrond, Aragorn, etc.).

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Saruman is the leader of the Mages, and is the strongest mage known so far in the LOTR universe.

However, Saruman was easily beat by Gandalf the White.

In the movie production of The Two Towers by Peter Jackson, there was included a scene where Saruman was killed by Wormtongue, who was then killed by Legolas moments after.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Sauron was the Dark Lord Morgoth's abominable lieutenant during the First Age. He was also the creator of the Rings of Power and the Dark Lord of Mordor when Morgoth perished, and Fellowship of the Ring sought to defeat.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

In the 'Lord of the Rings' ''movies'', Sauron looked like a giant, fiery red eyes with a big black pupil, suspended like a hologram between two metal nubs on this tower just inside the Black Gates in Mordor. It also shows him in the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring. He has a helmet like a corpse's horse and pointy armor.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Sauron's original name was Mairon.

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Q: Who is Saruman?
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When was Saruman created?

Saruman was created in 1940-08.

Who acted as Saruman in Lord of the Rings?

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Who was Saruman's informer?

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In the movie, Gandalf and Saruman engaged in a battle of will and magic, in which Saruman cast down Gandalf and sent him hurtling to the roof of Orthanc. In the book, no such conflict occured. Saruman's guards merely placed Gandalf on the tower.

Which wizard lives in the black tower?

I believe it's Saruman the White (later Saruman of Many Colours).

Who played Saruman in Lord of the Rings?

Christopher Lee played Saruman in the film trilogy The Lord of the Rings.

Does GrΓ­ma Wormtongue die in the LOTR?

Yes, in "The Lord of the Rings," GrΓ­ma Wormtongue meets his end at the hands of Saruman. After betraying his master, Saruman fatally stabs GrΓ­ma in the back and is then shot by Legolas after attempting to attack Frodo and his companions.

What would happen if Saruman met Gollum?

Saruman would capture him..torturer him til he gets what he wants to hear then kill him or keep him prisoner.

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Sauron was the first to create orcs then the orcs created by Saruman were called the Uruk-hai.

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Who played saruman in the two towers?

Christopher Lee

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