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Christopher Lee played Saruman in the film trilogy The Lord of the Rings.

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Q: Who played Saruman in Lord of the Rings?
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Related questions

Who acted as Saruman in Lord of the Rings?

Christopher Lee played Saruman.

What part was played by Christopher Lee in 'The Lord of the Rings'?

He played Saruman.

What wizard in the Lord of the Rings lives in isenguard?


First person to die in Lord of the Rings?

Christopher Lee who played Saruman died in 2015. Alan Howard who did the voice of Sauron died in 2015. Noel Appleby who played Odo Proudfoot died in 2007.

Who was in the most movies?

Christopher Lee (Christopher Frank Carandini Lee). Played the role as "Saruman" i "Lord of the Rings".

Where is Saruman's army made in Lord of the Rings?

in the pits of Isengard

Which wizard captures Gandalf in 'The Lord of the Rings'?

Saruman the White

Who is the actor of the wizard in lord of the rings?

Gandalf, who was played by Ian McKellen. A little more information: Saruman was played by the late Christopher Lee in 'The Lord of the Rings.' Radagast was played by Sylvester McCoy in 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.'

Who is the antagonist in The Lord of the Rings?

The main antagonist through out The Lord of the Rings trilogy is the Sauron (aka the Lord of the Rings, literally). However, there is also Saruman of Many Colors to be reckoned with, as well as the nine Nazgul.The main antagonist through out the Lord of the Rings trilogy is the Sauron (aka the Lord of the Rings, literally). However, there is also Saruman of Many Colors to be reckoned with, as well as the nine Nazgul.

Which lord of the rings actor was dismayed to hear he had been cut from the final film?

Christopher Lee

Which wizard in the Lord of the Rings lives in the black tower in Isengard?

Saruman the White

Who is the bad one in Lord of the Rings III?

The main antagonist of The Lord of the Rings Book III (in volume 2, The Two Towers) is Saruman.