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Robert Pattinson, is the actor of twilight, playing a vampire who falls in love. He also plays Cedric Diggory, in Harry Potter and the goblet of fire.

Excuse me but I have to ask "Did you mean to land on Earth or were you aiming for a different planet"?

There are several people with the name Robert Patterson, the most recent one is an acting teacher in nyc, former student of Meisner.

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Q: Who is Robert Patterson?
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Robert Patterson died on 1881-08-07.

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Robert Patterson Grant was born in 1814.

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Robert Patterson - educator - was born in 1743.

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Robert Patterson - educator - died in 1824.

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Robert Wilson Patterson was born in 1850.

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Robert Wilson Patterson died in 1910.

When was Robert M. Patterson born?

Robert M. Patterson was born in 1787.