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River Song:

  • She is Amy and Rory's daughter.
  • She was a time lord, because she was conceived on the TARDIS.
  • She was kidnapped as a child and brought up to be the assassin who kills the Doctor.
  • She is also the Doctor's wife.
  • She both kills the doctor, and saves his life by giving up all of her additional lives (from being a Time Lord).

It's complicated.

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Q: Who is River in Doctor Who?
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Why do the Doctor and River Song have diaries in Doctor Who?

So the Doctor and River can catch up to eachother on what they have done.

If River Song is Amy's daughter then what is the Doctor's relationship to River?

The Doctor and River Song have a romantic relationship. River married a robot of the Doctor that was controled by the Doctor while in an alternate reality, which brings about the question of whether the marriage ever actually happened, and if it counts because technically River married a robot.

Who was the astronaught that killed the doctor in Doctor Who?

The astronaut who killed the doctor in Doctor Who is River Song. She is a character who has a complex relationship with the Doctor throughout the series.

What year did River Song first appear in Doctor Who?

River Song first appeared in 2008, when David Tennant was still playing the Doctor. The first time we saw River Song was when she died. River and the Doctor are moving in opposite directions in time, so as we, the viewers, move forward with the Doctor, we are seeing River Song's past.

Who kils the doctor in Doctor Who?

River Son (but she didn't actually)

Is Amy Pond the daughter of the Doctor and River Song?

No, Amy Pond is not the daughter of the Doctor and River Song. Amy Pond is a companion of the Doctor in the television series Doctor Who, and River Song is a character connected to the Doctor in a different way. Their relationship is more complex than just parent and child.

Who is the astronaut in Doctor Who?

river song

Who plays River Song in Doctor Who?

River Song is played by Alex Kingston.

Will River Song return in series 6 of doctor who?

Steven Moffat confirmed in Doctor Who Confidential that River would be in series 6, and that we will find out who she is.

In what country is fly river?

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Is the impossible astronaut River Song?

Yes, the impossible astronaut in Doctor Who is revealed to be River Song, who is known for her connection to the Doctor and her mysterious past.

Did the doctor die on the wedding of river song?

No it was the Teselecta and the doctor and his TARDIS were inside, driving it.