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according to facebooks quiz it says that Professor Babbling teaches ancient runes but I've never heard of him/her! hope this helps

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It is never said directly who the Ancient Runes professor at Hogwarts, but it is believed to be Professor Bathsheba Babbling.

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Bathsheda Babbling

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Q: Who is Professor for ancient runes in Harry Potter?
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How do you speak runes in Harry Potter?

You read and write runes, not speak.

In the Harry Potter series you can get wizarding jobs. What can you get with 7 owls with them being Transfiguration and Herbology and Charms and DADA and Arithmancy and Ancient Runes?

Quite a few different jobs. banker needs arithmacy - and for additional skills in banks- ancient runes teacher of any of those subjects work in pretty much any department at the ministry-minus auror...such as: magical law enforcement experimental charms magical sports ad games etc...

Who is Sting in The Hobbit?

Sting is not a person. Sting is the name of the sword that came into Bilbo's possession. The runes on the blade say that the sword's name is Maegnas, literally 'sharp point', and could be translated as 'Sting'. Bilbo gave the weapon that name though without knowing the meaning of the runes.

What are the four groups in hogwarts?

You obviously haven't read the Harry Potter series! (which I highly recommend you doing!!!) In Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the students are placed into four different houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

What is the hand pointing to on Thorin's map in 'The Hobbit'?

The secret entrance to the Lonely Mountin. That is explained in the chapter "An Unexpected Party". Gandalf says, "There is one point that you haven't noticed and that is the secret entrance. You see that rune on the West side, and the hand pointing to it from the other runes? That marks a hidden passage to the Lower Halls." The runes say "Five feet high the door and three may walk abreast."

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What characters in Lego Harry Potter have books to read runes?

no characters have books to read runes in lego harry potter.

How do you speak runes in Harry Potter?

You read and write runes, not speak.

How do you read or write Ancient Runes in Harry Potter?

JKR never actually says anything about the runes, so let's suppose they are the old Anglo-Saxon runes. (See the attached link.)

Why were runes important?

runes are important because they are ancient buildings

What are all of the subjects in Harry Potter?

Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology, Charms, Transfiguration, Muggle Studies, Divination, Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures, History of Magic, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and Flying Class (first years only)

What ancient language is on the cover of the album A Perfect Circle - Mer de Noms?

The language is Runes. Ancient Runes.

In the Harry Potter series you can get wizarding jobs. What can you get with 7 owls with them being Transfiguration and Herbology and Charms and DADA and Arithmancy and Ancient Runes?

Quite a few different jobs. banker needs arithmacy - and for additional skills in banks- ancient runes teacher of any of those subjects work in pretty much any department at the ministry-minus auror...such as: magical law enforcement experimental charms magical sports ad games etc...

Which teacher didn't help protect the Philosopher's Stone?

Several Hogwarts professors didn't protect the stone. These included Professor Sinistra (Astronomy), Professor Babbling (Ancient Runes), Professor Binns (History of Magic), Professor Hooch (Flying), Professor Vector (Arithmancy), Professor Kettleburn (Care of Magical Creatures) and Professor Trelawney (Divination).

What is the Runic set of characters used by druids?

The druids, who were Celtic, did not use runes. The runes were used by the ancient Germanic tribes and the ancient Scandinavians.

How do you say open in ancient runes?


MNI Ancient Runes Riddle?


How do you activate Europe's ancient runes?

While the ancient runes were used as an alphabet, they also had magical uses. Divination and protectvie magic were the main ones. To use runes today, you must understand the meaning and intent behind each individual rune, just like the ancient people of Europe did.