true friends are the real friends. they tell you straight up whats right or whats wrong. true friends help each other out and are there when you need them in the time of struggle. thats a true friend
roald dahl
best friend best friend best friend
Pink,Purple and Green
Jojo's best friend is charlie "nene" Kennedy she is not showbiz just the sidekick of Jojo but her real best friend.. Jojo's best friend is charlie "nene" Kennedy she is not showbiz just the sidekick of Jojo but her real best friend..
Her name is Leslie. She was Mileys best-friend since maybe middle school or maybe elementary school. She is listed in one of mileys songs.
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Demi Lovato
She is 9 years old and her best friend is 9 to and her best friend is called carina hussain is mileys friend to and her email address is
Mandy Jiroux
no there not besy friends but they are friends miley is best friends with Leslie and Mandy!!!!:)
Miley's best friend Mandy is 20 years old
Mileys best friend is..... Mandy j. I really don't know how to spell her last name. But it does start with a j(:
it mileys best friend ever LILY TROSCOT
kill her
yes there is one 4 mileys new best friend i am the produer and lily aka Emily osment quit.... yes there is one 4 mileys new best friend i am the produer and lily aka Emily osment quit....