The main villain who adopts the 3 children is Gru. There is another villain called Victor, but he changed his name to Vector to sound more evil. He is the one who invented the piranha gun and the squid gun and has a pet shark.
Flash's arch enemies is the two zooms
Nick fury has no arch enemy, any enemy of S.H.IE.L.D. is his enemy
Sharlee D'Angelo of Arch Enemy is 6'6".
It is told that he's married to Angela, the Arch Enemy's lead singer
Metro man is megaminds arch nemesis
Metro man is megaminds arch nemesis
It's metroman ....(is this for the family contest?)
Arch Enemy was created in 1996.
Most people who have an arch-enemy, the arch- enemy is a person who has done them wrong. To have an animal as an arch Ðenemy is considered to be slightly abnormal.
An arch enemy is a particularly strong or powerful enemy.
Arch Enemy Entertainment was created in 2004.
Zatanna's arch enemy pre new 52 is Brother Night.
He-Man's skull-faced arch enemy is Skeletor.
Manifesto of Arch Enemy was created on 2009-02-27.
ignore both of them your arch enemy and the bff that your enemy turned aganist you.Get away from them