Archenemy Record Company was created in 1997.
i don't think its a superhero i think its a villain
Nick fury has no arch enemy, any enemy of S.H.IE.L.D. is his enemy
There are many styles of Coleman Lanterns made. They were first made back in the 1950's and were made from materials such as nickel, ceramic and stainless steel.
Randy Orton because in case you people haven't noticed Randy Orton has had the LARGEST rivalry with John cena in years
there are many green lanterns, and all the green lanterns of earth are still presently alive.
There are thousands of green lanterns each assigned to a specific sector. Earths sector happens to have the most with 4 green lanterns.
You are correct
Some lanterns weaknesses are the color yellow, but well trained lanterns can overcome this weakness.
Venom is Spiderman's archenemy.
There are no known Lanterns on that sector.
The devil is the worst archenemy
In the brightest day, in the blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight, Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power, GREEN LANTERNS LIGHT!
There are a lot of Green Lanterns but if your referring to the GL movie, Hal Jordan was a pilot.
Archenemy Record Company was created in 1997.
Green Lanterns- Willpower, Ion is the Willpower entity Orange Corps- avarice Sinestro Corps-fear, the parallax is the Fear entity Blue Lanterns- Hope, no entity, but are the only ones who can destroy a Red lantern Red Lanterns- Rage, no known entity, but can steal rings Black Lanterns- Death, no entity, but claims all dead superheroes. Star Sapphires- Love, Love entity- Predator. Indigo Tribe: Unknown. White Lanterns: Unknown, all DC superheroes are these.