Lux is the daughter of Lou Teasdale, who is the boys' hairstylist. She is in no way biologically related to Harry, however he does spend time with her and play with her because he's only human and all humans love babies.
Lucille Teasdale-Corti was born on January 30, 1929.
One Direction font
One Direction. Definetly One Direction
Lou Teasdale.
Lou Teasdale.
yep <3
Their hairstylist is the lovely Lou Teasdale! :) x
Lou Teasdale is One Direction's hairstylist, Tom Atkin's (of The Paddingtons) fiancée, and the mother of Lux Atkin, known in the directioner world as 'Baby Lux.'
Lux is the daughter of Lou Teasdale, One Direction's hair-dresser and make-up artist.
She is the daughter of One Direction's stylist and makeup artist. Her mother is Lou Teasdale and her father is Tom Atkin and her name is Lux Atkin.
baby lux is their stylists (lou teasdale) adorable baby daughter
One Direction's stylist her name is Lou Teasdale and her baby's name is Lux. So to answer your qusetion One Direction is not technically "related" to anyone IN One Direction, but somebody associated to One Direction. The boys, and the fans all love her! :)
One Directions Stylist Lou Teasdale
Lou's mom :-)