Calvin Klein is gay.
Kaycie Klein was born in California, in USA.
Leo Klein Gebbink was born in 1968.
Barbara Anne Klein is 5' 5".
No, Calvin Klein and Lloyd Klein are not related. In the synopsis of Lloyd Klein's upcoming memoir entitled "Stay Elegant", John Arguelles, who has worked with the designer since 1998, writes that they are not related.
Kurt Klein has written: 'Von Deutschland nach Deutschland' -- subject(s): Correspondence, Biography
Karl Kurt Klein has written: 'Zur Spruchdichtung und Heimatfrage Walthers von der Vogelweide'
The cast of One Survivor Remembers - 1996 includes: Kurt Klein as himself Gerda Weissmann Klein as herself
Kurt Skalden was born on December 16, 1895, in Klein Tarpen, West Prussia, Germany [now Tarpno, Grudziadz, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland].
She survived the Holocaust and tells many people about her experiences and helps us to understand what all she went through. Gerda and her husband, Kurt, also have a foundation called the Gerda and Kurt Klein foundation which helps to create the oppurtunity for young people to understand the world and translate the understanding into positive action. Also, Gerda has helped fight back against hunger. She is truly an amazing person.
The cast of Butch passt aufs Baby auf - 1961 includes: Kurt Alexis as Klein-Isidor
Stephane Klein goes by Klein, and Steph.
Timothy Klein's birth name is Timothy Klein.
calvin klein
Brendan Klein's birth name is Brendan F. Klein.
Emil Klein's birth name is Heinrich Emil Klein.