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Wayne Gretzky.
Wayne gretsky

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Q: Who is Justin Bieber's favorite hockey player?
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Who is Justin biebers idol hockey player?

I love you

What does Justin bieber want to be besides a singer?

A hockey player. As he grew up, Justin worshiped hockey. His Fave player is Wayne Gretzky.

Who are Justin's favorite athletes?

It has been reported that his favorite sport is hockey. He wanted to be a famous hockey player on the Toronto Maple Leafs when he was little, and his favorite basketball team is reportedly the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Who is justin bieber's favorite athlete?

Drew Brees.Justin Bieber's favorite athlete is Drew Brees.only Wayne getzky the hockey playerNone he only likes the dorkiy guysWayne Gretzgy is his favorite sports player because I met him and he told me that being a Canadian means hockey is in your blood so Wayne Gretzgy is a hockey player that doesnt play anymore in the year of 2010 and that is still his favorite player!Richard Simmons / Every Men's Figure Skater.

What did Justin Bieber want to be before a singer?

hockey player

Who is Justin bieber's favourite hockey player?

bobby ore

What did Justin bieber wnat to be when he was little?

he wanted to be a proffessional hockey player

What would Justin bieber like to be if he were not a singer?

if Justin beiber was not a singer he would like to be a hockey player

Who is your favourite NHL hockey player?

Hockeyplayer26: My favorite player is Patrick Kane. If you have a favorite player add your username and put the player you like.

What is terry's fox's favorite hockey player?

Bobby Orr

Who was William O'Ree's favorite hockey player?

bobby orr

What Did Justin Bieber Want Growing up?

As a child, Justin Beiber wanted to grow up to be a professional hockey player.