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She is Edward Cullen's birth mother. Rumours exist that she is a niece of Alice Cullen however no such thing has been confirmed. Her name is actually Elizabeth Masen and in her dying breaths asked Carlisle Cullen to transform Edward, although there is no evidence to suggest that she knew of his condition as a vampire it is said in the book that she "seemed to know my secret" here pertaining to Carlisle's status as a vampire.

She passed along the hand-me-down ring and the diamond pendants shaped like hearts to Edward (not known if they are all heart-shaped) who later passes them on to Alice, Esme and Bella (Bella receiving the ring as her engagement ring).

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Q: Who is Elizabeth mason?
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Elizabeth Mason and Edward Mason Jr. If you were reffering to his birth parents. If not, Carslile Cullen and Esme Cullen.

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