She was born on May 25, 1930. She is currently 81 years old.
Kelli Garner's birth name is Kelli Brianne Garner.
No, Jennifer Garner is not single.
Patricia Ann and Bill John Garner
She was born on May 25, 1930
She was born on May 25, 1930. She is currently 81 years old.
Jack Garner is James Garner's brother.
The address of the Garner Public Library is: 416 State St, Garner, 50438 0406
Tye Garner's birth name is LaTanya Garner.
James Garner was a Methodist.
Jennifer Garner has two sisters, Melissa Lynn Garner Wylie and Susannah Kay Garner Carpenter.
Erroll Garner's birth name is Erroll Louis Garner.
Jonathan Garner's birth name is Jonathan Ezekial Garner.
Katie Garner's birth name is Katherine Elizabeth Garner.
Nadine Garner's birth name is Nadine Lynette Garner.
Kelli Garner's birth name is Kelli Brianne Garner.