No, Eleanor Burns was born in 1945 and, last look, is still alive.
Yes, James Garner died on July 19, 2014 in Los Angeles at the age of 86 years old. He died of natural causes.
Still alive, still not funny
yes she is still alive.
still alive...still not funny
There are 22 grandchildren of ER still alive.
No, Eleanor Burns was born in 1945 and, last look, is still alive.
She was born in 1924, and she died in 2005. But if she were still alive in 2013, she would be 89 years old.
Eleanor Roosevelt had five children, named Anna Eleanor, James, Elliott, Franklin, and John. None of these are still alive - the longest surviving, James, died at the age of 83 on August 13, 1991.
Yes. He's 80 years old. Here's where I found the information.
Assuming you mean the actor - he's still alive ! He was born on the 7th of April, 1928 (age 83)
You mean, "Where did Eleanor Parker go?" That's what I'd like to know. She's 87 years old now if she's still alive, and nobody has a death date listed for her.
Yes, Louis and Eleanor are currently still dating.
Yes, James Garner died on July 19, 2014 in Los Angeles at the age of 86 years old. He died of natural causes.
Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884 and died on November 7, 1962, at the age of 78.
Yes, I think she's in her 80's I know her in a way - Randomcookies UPDATE: Eleanor signed a copy of this book for me on Jan. 8, 2011 at the American Library Association's MidWinter Conference. -donaldab
Value of James Garner PictureSince James Garner is still alive and you can still readily get autographed pictures of him, existing pictures have little to no collectible value, unless they are very old, in perfect shape and are of an unusual nature.