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Ahsoka is a 14-year-old, female Togruta Jedi Padawan. She is also very feisty, strong-willed, brave, kind-hearted and selfless. When she was only 3 years old, he was discovered by Master Plo Koon, who took her to the Jedi Temple. She then later on became Anakin Skywalker's Padawan learner and they both have a strong bond and care about each other a great deal (anyone with eyes can see that in the show).

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Asoka Tano is a brave hearted JEDI during the clone wars. She is Anakin's Apprentice. She is some type of Twi'lek. Her nickname is Snips because of her snippy attitude. Asoka is armed with a green lightsaber. -Actually, she is a Togruta, not a Twi'lek.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Ahsoka's fate has not been revealed yet, so no one knows if she gets killed or what. So we'll just have to wait and find out when the Season 3 finale airs.

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Asoka Tano

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You're crazy. Ahsoka can't be married. She's only 14 years old!!!!

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Ahsoka Tano was created when the new TV series "The Clone Wars" was being planned.

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The two that i can think of are Asoka Tano and Captain Rex.

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The station to get Ahsoka Tano is on the Star Destroyer. To get her, you will need Anakin Skywalker and any clone (clone trooper, Fox, Rex, Cody, or Senate Commando).

Did asoka tano get married after the clone wars?

Well since Ahsoka left the Jedi shortly before the events in Revenge of the Sith, it's possible.

Was asoka tano from Star Wars killed?

Ahsoka's fate has not been revealed yet, so we'll have to wait and find out what happens to her at the end of The Clone Wars.

What happens to Asoka Tano?

Ahsoka Tano leaves the Jedi Order and goes on to play a significant role in the Rebel Alliance. She becomes a key figure in the fight against the Empire and ultimately survives into the era of the original trilogy.

What are three characters in the clone wars?

Three characters in the Clone Wars are captain Rex (clone) Asoka Tano ( Anakin's padawan.) And Obi-wan Kanobi. Need any more?

How did Asoka died?

Apparently, we do not know if Ahsoka Tano died or not. Her fate is unknown. She either was killed in order 66 or went into self-imposed exile or simply wanders the galaxy after the massacre of the Jedi.

Is Asoka Tano in episode 3?

No, Ahsoka Tano does not appear in Episode 3 of the Star Wars saga, "Revenge of the Sith." She is a character introduced in the "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" animated series.