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The littlun with the mulberry coloured birthmark on his face is the first to mention a 'snake-thing' or 'beastie.' The first person to use the word 'beast' is Ralph, when he insists during the same meeting, "But there is no beast!"

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Ralph opened the meeting up to disscusion of 'the fear.' Jack insulted the boys for believing in 'littlun's talk' and mentioned his hunters talked of a 'dark thing' or beast. The first person to actually give an account of seeing a 'beast' in the jungle was the littlun called Phil. In his description he referred to seeing, and I quote... "something moving among the trees, something big and horrid."

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the beast is actually a dead parachutist who fell from a jet. the dead parachutist gets stuck in the trees and moves because of the wind. later in the book we find out that the Simon sees the beast and goes to tells the others it is just a parachutist. it was night so the boys got frightened and ....

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Percival Wemys Madison...a littlun

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Q: Who first mentions the beast in Lord of the Flies?
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The first character to notice the "beastie" in the woods is the little boy with the birthmark on his face, who mentions it to the group during a meeting.

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the beast in lord of the flies is parachutist who got entangled in the tree branches

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The beast has several names already in the book Lord of the Flies. It is initially referred to as a snake-thing or beastie. Later during his internalised conversation the beast is named as the Lord of the Flies. Finally the real nature of the beast is revealed as the darkness in the hearts of men.

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Percival Wemys Madison (one of the littluns) first says the beast comes from the water.

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The lord of the flies is the head of the pig that Jack and his 'tribe' killed, they left it on a stake as an offering to the beast (ie)

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Simon was mistaken for the beast in "Lord of the Flies". He was killed by the other boys during a frenzied tribal dance on the beach.

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How do you know if there is a beast from lord of the flies?

By reading the book

Who is described as lord?

Lord Of The Flies, it is the head of the pig offered as a sacrifice to the beast.

Who saw thwe beast first in Lord of the Flies?

The littl'un with the mulberry birthmark on his face- he was later burned alive.