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Q: Who said in lord of the flies the head is the beast it's a gift?
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What is the Gift for the Darkness in lord of the flies?

The "Gift for the Darkness" in "Lord of the Flies" refers to the pig's head that the boys offer as a sacrifice to the beast. It is placed on a stick and left as an offering to appease the supposed evil force on the island. This symbolizes the boys' descent into savagery and their increasing fear and superstition.

Who is described as lord?

Lord Of The Flies, it is the head of the pig offered as a sacrifice to the beast.

In lord of the flies who or what is the lord of the flies?

The lord of the flies is the head of the pig that Jack and his 'tribe' killed, they left it on a stake as an offering to the beast (ie)

Who was the Lord of the Flies in lord of flies?

It is the pig's head cut off by jack, transformed from a loving pig to a creepy horror. The flies were buzzing around the head, making the pigs head the Lord of the Flies. In other interpretations, Jack is considered to be the Lord of the Flies. The beast is also thought to be the Lord of the Flies.

In Lord of the Flies - what do they offer to the beast?

Jack leaves the guts of the sow and its head, mounted on a stick, as an offering for the beast.

What does Lord of the Flies tell Simon?

The lord of the flies tells Simon that they cannot escape him, the beast, for it is inside themselves. They are the beast. It also tells him that 'he' is going to have fun, and everyone will kill him.

Who converses with the pig's head about the nature of the beast?

Simon is the one who converses with the pig's head, known as the Lord of the Flies, about the nature of the beast. The Lord of the Flies represents the evil and darkness within each individual, which Simon realizes during their conversation.

Who converses with the pigs head about the nature of the beast?

In "Lord of the Flies," the character Simon is the one who converses with the pig's head, also known as the Lord of the Flies. The pig's head symbolizes the evil inherent in all human beings and speaks to Simon's inner fears and thoughts about the nature of the beast.

Which of the boys head all the way up the mountain to determine what the beast is in Lord of the Flies?


What does pigs head symbolize in lord of the flies?

It symbolizes the monstrosity and animalism of everyone on the island, when it was meant to be an offering to the beast. The beast was in all of them.

What were the boys eating on the island in Lord of the Flies?

Jack and his hunters, hunt and kill a pig. They then eat the meat & Serve the head as a token of peace for the "Beast" The head of the pig attracts flies, and become "The Lord Of The Flies" :) God Bless.

Who is the beast in Lord of the Flies?

The pilot