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It is the theme from the "Cider House Rules"

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

None other than Michigan's favorite son, Tim Allen.

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Q: Who does the music for the Pure Michigan commercials?
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What is the background music on the Michigan commercials?

Its the music featured in the movie ''The Cider House Rules''

What song is being played on the Pure Michigan commercial?

The theme song is the CIDER HOUSE RULES theme song.

How much does Tim Allen earn for the pure Michigan commercials?

Tim Allen makes 3.72 million per episode

Does actor Tim Allen do the Pure Mich commercials?

Sounds like him to me. Anyone know for sure?

Who does the voice over for Michigan Tourism commercials- is it George Clooney?

Jeff Daniels does the voice over for Michigan's tourism commercial campaign titled "Pure Michigan". He also performs the voice work for Michigan's business benefits commercials designed to lure businesses to Michigan. Jeff Daniels is a Michigan native and does a lot to promote the state. He owns and operates the Purple Rose Theater Company in Chelsea, Michigan.

When was Pure Michigan created?

Pure Michigan was created in 2006.

How does music got to do with commercials?

The purpose of music in commercials is to get your attention, and to help you remember the product when you hear that music again.

What is the music in the zune commercials?

Here is a list of all the known songs from the music from Zune Commercials from 2006 to present

What commercials feature Tim Allen voiceovers?

Tim Allen is the voice of all the "Pure Michigan" ads as well as recently becoming the new voice of Chevrolet (2010-2013) and Campbell's Soup.

Where did the background music for the Goldwater law firm commercials come from?

The exact source of the background music used in Goldwater law firm commercials is not publicly available information. It is likely that the music was either created specifically for the commercials or licensed from a music library.

What is the theme music from the accelerate your life commercials for the US Navy?

The commercials feature music from Godsmack. The tracks used are the intro's to "Awake" and "Sick of Life"

What types of music is used for car commercials?

In car commercials the music is often dependant on the car being featured. For example if the commercial is about a truck, and they are mudding, country music would likely be featured.