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If you're asking this seriously, I doubt you've watched the entire Anime, Yes, of course she does.

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she loves haji

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Q: Who does saya love-haji or Kai?
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Blood plus characters?

Saya Kai Hagji Diva Solomon Mr.David Riku

In blood plus how old is Kai when saya goes into hibernation?

I'd say about 48+

Does Riku fight for Saya like Haji Does?

well i thik he protects and fights for saya because he is Kai brother and saya's foster brother and she's his foster sister. ^_ ^ but i think he does. you're going to have to look more into this if you really want to find out.

Who are the little girls with Kai in Blood Plus?

I think you were referring to episode 50 when before Saya kissed hagi. Kai picked them up. The answer to your Question is they were Diva's babies.

Does Haji love Saya or does Saya love Solmon Blood Plus?

Solomon interests Saya but Saya loves Haji and Haji loves Saya.

What is i love you in Malay language?

"I love you" in Malay is "Saya cinta padamu."

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nama saya

How does blood plus end?

"With the song stopped and Diva dead, the chiropterans begin howling and the Corpse Corps stops fighting. Inside the opera house, Saya explains to Kai that she fears that if she and the babies live, they would be used as weapons of war. Kai promises to make anyone who won't accept them understand and to always protect and love them all. Hagi tells Saya that he has loved her from the moment they met and that for once, he is going to disobey her. Taking her sword, he begs her to live on and kisses her forehead. Saya cries and says she wants to live before kissing him. David bursts in and tells him to hurry and leave because Option D has been activated. Kai and Saya carry the babies as the group leaves, but Amshel, who survived his fight with Hagi, attacks the group, ripping off Hagi's arm with his breath attack. Saya swears to protect the babies, but when she tries to attack Amshel, Hagi grabs the sword from her and pushes her away before stabbing Amshel himself. As Amshel begins crystallizing, he stabs Hagi through the chest with his hand and the roof collapses on them both. Saya screams his name and the military planes begin bombing the opera house. A month later, Saya and the others are back in Okinawa. The number of chiropteran attacks continues to decrease and Julia, who is now pregnant with David's baby, has found a way to prolong Lulu's life. Nathan, who survived Saya's attempt to kill him, is seen at a press conference in America about the criminal investigations surrounding Van and Cinque Fleches' close involvement with the U.S. military. Saya and Kai are hosting a party at the reopened restaurant, inviting their friends from the Red Shield and their schoolmates. Okamura and Mao plan to go to the Middle East together. During the party, Saya slips outside and looks back at the restaurant with tears in her eyes before she collapses. Kai catches her and agrees to wait to tell the others. He carries her back to the Miyagusuku family crypt where she woke up. She whispers thank you as she drifts off to sleep. As he carries her up the steps toward the crypt, he promises to make them all happy and care for the babies until she wakes up. After the final credits, Kai is shown with Diva's children going to visit Saya, still asleep in the crypt. When they arrive, he sees a pink rose with a blue ribbon left behind by Hagi, and tells the children to leave it alone. " ~ Excerpt from Wikipedia .

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When was Saya Takagi born?

Saya Takagi was born in 1963.

When was Saya Mochizuki born?

Saya Mochizuki was born in 1976.