Barry, maybe. But Barry might like her too. Kenny also likes Dawn.
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In the windmill episode with Laura, she had asked Dawn about her relationship with Ash, and she was defensive about it, meaning she may have some feelings for Ash. And many other characters have noticed this about the pair, even Kenny noticed this and let Dawn go with Ash. In short, Dawn may have liked Ash, but as Ash can only think of Pokemon, he is not likely going to notice any girls like that for a very long time.
civil dawn is brighter. This is because nautical dawn is when you can barely see the sunlight, civil dawn is when it's bright enough to distinguish objects.
Dawn Brancheau's birth name is Dawn LoVerde.
pirates are too cool to like twilight.
Yes pete should divorce dawn if he is not happy with her and feels like the relationship is not going anywhere. But try working at things first and a divorce should be the last resort.