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The persons who disappeared on the ship Mary Celeste were all ten individuals aboard: the captain with his daughter and wife as well as three officers and four crewmen.

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Q: Who disappeared on 'Mary Celeste'?
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How many people disappeared from 'Mary Celeste'?

Ten people are known to have disappeared from the half brig Mary Celeste. The disappearances took place in November 1872 sometime after or while the hermaphrodite brig in question was passing the Azores. The course was a bit odd since typical shipping routes rounded the Azores off the archipelago's southern coasts whereas Mary Celeste was traveling off the northern shorelines.

Were there any survivors of 'Mary Celeste'?

Yes, there were no survivors found aboard the Mary Celeste when it was discovered adrift in December 1872. The fate of the passengers and crew remains a mystery to this day.

Where was 'Mary Celeste' going?

The ship Mary Celeste was going east.

What are the names of the people who disappeared from 'Mary Celeste'?

Benjamin Spooner Briggs is the name of the captain who disappeared, along with his daughter Sophia and his wife Sarah, from the half brig Mary Celeste in 1872. Three officers numbered among the missing Mary Celeste 10: Andrew Gillings as second mate, Edward William Head as cook and steward, and Albert Richardson as first mate. Four seamen from Germany, the country of the merchants whose cargo of raw industrial alcohol Mary Celeste was transporting, vanished as well: Gottlieb Goodeschall, the brothers Boz and Volkert Lorenzen, Arian Martens.

What ship found the Mary celeste?

The Dei Gratia found the Mary Celeste.

What was in the barrels aboard 'Mary Celeste'?

Industrial alcohol was in the barrels aboard Mary Celeste.

Did 'Mary Celeste' reach Gibraltar?

Yes, the ship Mary Celeste reached Gibraltar.

Why is the Mary celeste called the Mary celeste?

Mary Celeste was a British ship built in Canada during the British ownership of the US and Canada. Mary is the name of the daughter of the man who built the ship. Celeste is Spanish roughly meaning "heavenly beauty".

Where was 'Mary Celeste' built?

The ship Mary Celeste was built on Spencer's Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1861.

Were there lifeboats on 'Mary Celeste' after the crew went missing?

No, there were no life boats on Mary Celeste after the crew went missing.

Did 'Mary Celeste' have engines?

No - the Mary Celeste was a 2-masted brigantine sailing vessel. It had no engines of any type or design.

Is 'Mary Celeste' fake?

The Mary Celeste was a real ship that was found abandoned in 1872, sparking various theories about its mysterious fate. While some think the ship's crew and passengers disappeared without a trace, there is no concrete evidence to support the theory that the Mary Celeste story was entirely fabricated.