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Courtney (Ali)



Others Idk right now

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Q: Who dies in the Pretty Little Liars series?
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Why is Courtney getting strange messages before she dies in the pretty little liars series?

She doesnt but if she did it would be to throw the pretty little liars off.

How does Toby kill himself in Pretty Little Liars?

He gets in a motorcycle accident and dies in the books but in the series, he survived. :)

How did David O'Brien die on the Pretty Little Liars set?

David O'Brien of Pretty Little Liars died after acquiring AIDS.David O'Brien of the Pretty Little Liars dies after succumbing to AIDS.

Who dies in Pretty Little Liars flawless?

Toby Cavanaugh

Who dies in Pretty Little Liars series?

Mona Ian Melissa Courtney (Ali) Jenna Toby Others Idk right now

Is Mona A in Pretty Little Liars?

Shes only -a in the book not the television series -.-

What happens next on Pretty Little Liars?

someone dies and they have a funral for that person...

Why does Alison take over after Mona on Pretty Little Liars?

becuz she dies

What happens in the last Pretty Little Liars show?

They find out who A is then maya dies

Who is A when Mona dies?

In the book, Pretty Little Liars, when character, Mona, dies, the new "A" is really Alison. It's pretty complicated how it all works so it's best to finish reading the series to get more clarification.

What is the climax of the book Pretty Little Liars?

If you meant the whole series, the climax is when Ali tries killing them but obviously they don't die and Ali is in trouble or dies

Is there another A in Pretty Little Liars?

yes, alison takes over as "a" when mona dies.