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Last episode was the never before seen footage... But before that he didn't elimate anyone... its still Danger, Cocktail and Unique... Next Episode he goes to meet their parents and the finale He stays with Cocktail and there at the palms hotel

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Q: Who did ray j eliminate on the last episode?
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The final pick was Cocktail.

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Well honey, Ray J sang "One Wish" in the episode titled "When Flex Got Breanna," which is the 22nd episode of the fourth season of "One on One." So, if you're feeling nostalgic and want to hear Ray J serenade you with those sweet tunes, that's the episode you need to watch. Enjoy!

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Only Ray J can answer that questionno actually ray j iz currently on a show called for the love of ray j so yea

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no ray j is her uncle ! cuz brandy is ray j's big sister