Kevin Jonas married model Danielle Deleasa (born September 27, 1987) on December 19, 2009.
The couple had a daughter, Alena Rose Jonas, on February 2, 2014.
Danielle Delesea married Kevin Jonas last year
Kevin Jonas is the oldest Jonas Brothers He is also married and is kind of unattractive. And really wild.
Nicholas Jerry Jonas Paul Kevin Jonas ll Joseph Adam Jonas ♫
Nicholas Jerry JonasJoseph Adam JonasPaul Kevin Jonas IIand their little brotherFranklin Nathaniel Jonas
Kevin Jonas birth name is paul Kevin Jonas IIKevin Jonas birth name is paul Kevin Jonas II
Kevin Jonas is going to marry his girlfriend!!!!
Danielle Jonas married to Kevin Jonas in 2009
Danielle Deleasa
Yes, he is married.
Yes it is true. Kevin Jonas is going to marry Danielle Deleasa. Joe Jonas and Nick Jonas will be the best men for Kevin's wedding.
No, Kevin is not yet married. This is just a rumor.
Hannah bramble
Kevin who? Jonas? NO! he's married already
Kevin Jonas
That's a weird question...1. "Marry" is spelled "m-a-r-r-y" not "m-a-r-r-i-e"2. Why would you ask "Would you marry Kevin Jonas?" What about Joe & Nick?3. If you're trying to be funny by seeing who wouldn't marry him, why? Kevin is one of the most talented guys, and you don't need to bring on the "Kevin Hate."4. "Will you marry Kevin Jonas" is not grammatically correct. Try "Would you marry Kevin Jonas.:) Hope that answered your question!P.S. I will defend one of my Jonas boys to the death.So there! :P
Danielle Delesea married Kevin Jonas last year
Yes, the oldest Jonas, Kevin is engaged to marry his longtime girlfriend Danielle.