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Marsyas. When he lost he was hung upside down from a tree and flayed alive whilst Apollo provided a musical accompaniment. A bit gruesome really

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Q: Who challenged Apollo to a musical competition?
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Who are Apollo's rivals?

In Greek mythology, Apollo's main rivals include the god Hermes, the god Dionysus, and the satyr Marsyas. Hermes competed with Apollo in music and intelligence, Dionysus challenged Apollo in the domain of arts and celebrations, and Marsyas in a musical contest where the punishment for the loser was to be flayed alive.

What are the qualites of the greek god Apollo?

Apollo is known as beautiful, musical, and shining: god of the sun.

Is challenged a noun?

Yes, it is a noun. It means a competition or an objection. It can also be a verb, to challenge.

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hermes got apollos catle and apollo got a musical instrumint

Which musical instrument was associated with Apollo god?

The lyre was the musical instrument associated with Apollo, the Greek god of music, poetry, and the sun. It was believed that Apollo invented the lyre and used it to accompany his singing.

What is Apollo's Symbol?

Apollo's symbol is the lyre, which is a musical instrument. It represents his association with music, poetry, and the arts.

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Hermes gave Apollo the lyre, a musical instrument made from a tortoise shell.

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How is Apollo musical?

I dont know thats what im trying to find out

Who is the greek god who carried a musical istrument?

The Greek god of music was Apollo.

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Whats Apollo's symbol?

Apollo's symbol is often depicted as the lyre, a musical instrument resembling a small harp. He is also associated with the sun and the laurel tree.