I know two people Brad Will who was once a great journalist -Died in October 27,2006 Jhon H Van Vleck who was also once a great physicists -Died in October 27,1980. They were both famous but, if you wanted other people like famous people i don't really know sorry :[
Edmund O'Neil is a poet who was famous for writing ' marriage joins two people in the circle of its love '
John Augustus Roebling (Brooklyn Bridge architect)
bobby shmurda and prince philip
The definition of the word rendezvous is a meeting, usually between two people, at a specific place and time. In this context, a rendezvous can be used for an interview with a famous person.
California and Alaska
There are so many great landmarks in California that represent it's history, industry and people. From the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to the Missions of San Juan Capistrano and Film Studios of Hollywood, there is something for everyone.
Los Angeles and San Francisco
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronald Reagan are both famous actors who were governors of California.
There two famous ladies with this name, one in Tasmania and another in California
Many famous people have had epilepsy. Two famous ones are Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte.
There have been literally tens of thousands of famous Hebrews. Two of them are: Moses and Joan Rivers.
Marylyn and Elvis were two very different people, hard to compare, both made un natural impact, but Elvis changed everything..
es there was a big earthquake in Kobe Japan. And famous footballers played a charity match , the response was so good tthat a two players were changed every 20 minutes . People saw many famous footballers that day and money flowed in.
yes. two of the most famous people from there are Jimmy Rodgers and Sela Ward.
Two of the famous people that graduated from UNC is Michael Jordan and Usher.
The knowledge explosion came about when people realised that two plus two equal four. It changed when they discovered that two times two equal four too.