There are many actors and actresses that played in Mamma Mia the movie. The top three mentioned on IMDB are Amanda Seyfried (Sophie), Stellan Skarsgard (Bill), and Pierce Brosnan (Sam).
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Margie DeMeyer has: Played Prudence in "Gunsmoke" in 1955. Played Florine Dixon in "My Three Sons" in 1960. Played Blonde Girl in "My Three Sons" in 1960. Played Girl at Locker in "My Three Sons" in 1960. Played Judy in "The Brady Bunch" in 1969.
There were two actors that have played Anakin. Well three if you count Darth Vader in the Original Trilogy.
if this is about mamma mia then i have your answer, i have watched this move one too many times. dancing queen is played after Donna finds out that all three of the men that she went out with and who are most likely to be sophies fathers are staying in her goat house in her hotel. and it is after when Donna tells her two best friends and when they go to find them and they are gone. the scene starts in donnas bedroom, and travels out into the village out to the jetty when they jump into the water at the end. if you look closely you will also see benny Anderson one of the members of abba in this scene on the piano. i hope this is what you were looking for Google it if you are unsure ( type your question in there
The top three actors listed on IMDb are: Scott Mechlowicz, Jacob Pitts, and Kristen Kreuk; they played Scott Thomas, Cooper Harris, and Fiona respectively.
Colin played the role of Harry Bright in Mamma Mia! He was one of the three men brought in as potential fathers to the bride.
According to the movie credits there were actually three different child actors who played Caesarion. At Age 4 he was played by Loris Loddi, at age 7 he was played by Del Russel and at age 12 he was played by Kenneth Nash.According to the movie credits there were actually three different child actors who played Caesarion. At Age 4 he was played by Loris Loddi, at age 7 he was played by Del Russel and at age 12 he was played by Kenneth Nash.According to the movie credits there were actually three different child actors who played Caesarion. At Age 4 he was played by Loris Loddi, at age 7 he was played by Del Russel and at age 12 he was played by Kenneth Nash.According to the movie credits there were actually three different child actors who played Caesarion. At Age 4 he was played by Loris Loddi, at age 7 he was played by Del Russel and at age 12 he was played by Kenneth Nash.According to the movie credits there were actually three different child actors who played Caesarion. At Age 4 he was played by Loris Loddi, at age 7 he was played by Del Russel and at age 12 he was played by Kenneth Nash.According to the movie credits there were actually three different child actors who played Caesarion. At Age 4 he was played by Loris Loddi, at age 7 he was played by Del Russel and at age 12 he was played by Kenneth Nash.According to the movie credits there were actually three different child actors who played Caesarion. At Age 4 he was played by Loris Loddi, at age 7 he was played by Del Russel and at age 12 he was played by Kenneth Nash.According to the movie credits there were actually three different child actors who played Caesarion. At Age 4 he was played by Loris Loddi, at age 7 he was played by Del Russel and at age 12 he was played by Kenneth Nash.According to the movie credits there were actually three different child actors who played Caesarion. At Age 4 he was played by Loris Loddi, at age 7 he was played by Del Russel and at age 12 he was played by Kenneth Nash.
Ghost Story
Aunjanue Ellis played the role of Calpurnia in the movie "The Help," which was released in 2011.
The cast of Played Bi Three - 2005 includes: Kauan
There are three referees in the movie Ali; they were played by: Jack Reiss, Patrick C Russell and Cedric Wills
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Michael Chiklis played the role of Curly .
The three main actors in the 2008 comedy are: Will Ferrell (who portrays Brennan Huff ), John C. Reiley (Dale Doback) and Richard Jenkins (Robert Doback).
The three children in the movie are played by Mimi Gibson, Paul Petersen, and Charles Herbert.