He's still alive and 71 years old. Check out this website to see if famous people are dead or alive. Just type in any name. http://www.deadoraliveinfo.com
Oh, isn't that a lovely question? Let's see here. As of my last happy little check, two original members of The Turtles, Mark Volman and Howard Kaylan, are still with us, spreading joy through their music. Isn't it wonderful to know that their legacy continues to bring smiles to people's faces?
yes Alan Alda is alive and 75 years of age.
He hasn't died
Yes, very much so. I see her often.
susan and lucy
Probably Aslan
Jim Wilcox
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis can be seen as an allegory for Christian theology, with Aslan representing Jesus Christ and various characters and events mirroring biblical stories and concepts. The series explores themes of faith, redemption, and sacrifice within a fantastical world that parallels spiritual truths.
it helps people see and cook. it helps us stay alive!
LUCY! She is always the first to see Aslan when the others don't because she has more faith.
Yes, people in the poetry room can see what the last person wrote.
jls sings The Club Is Alive and i no that because i went to see them live
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; instead ask yourself what makes you come alive, for the world needs people who come alive." "Joseph was alive for 99 years." "Chris never looks very alive early in the morning."
yes he is alive if you want to think that but if he is alive he won't want to come back he makes more money that way and nobody could touch him meanin the cops not only the the cops the people in the office theres bigger things goin on then what meets the eye and people just want to see him back not knowin what the cops (the people in the office) want to do to him so if you ask me no he is not alive but is living somewhere!