Yes. RedFoo's dad is Berry Gordy -- Berry is also SkyBlu's grandfather [Redfoo is SkyBlu's uncle].
Berry Gordy an actor and musician, is associated with many actors like Diana Ross. Berry Gordy is also associated with Elton John, Bernie Taupin, Aerosmith, and much more.
Yes. She is with her son Robin as he fights for his iife.
berry gordy is redfoo's dad to take it the wrong way but i know that berry gordy is famous i just dont know what he is famous for
no, sky blue is Redfoo's nephew. Redfoo is the son of Berry Gordy and sky blue is the grandson of Berry Gordy the other answer was wrong.
Berry Gordy, Jr., established Motown Records
Berry Carl Gordy
Berry Carl Gordy
Berry Gordy, Jr., established Motown Records
The British actor Nick Berry is still alive.
Berry Gordy Jr. was born on November 28, 1929.
Berry Gordy was born in Detroit, Michigan on November 28, 1929.
Berry Gordy Jr. was born on November 28, 1929.
Berry Gordy Jr. was born on November 28, 1929.
Berry Gordy was born on November 28, 1929 in Detroit, Michigan.
Berry Gordy is not Carla Hall's father. Berry Gordy has eight children: Hazel Joy, Berry Gordy IV, Terry James, Kennedy William, Stefan Kendal, Rhonda Suzanne, Sherry, and Kerry Ashby.
Berry Gordy Jr. was born on November 28, 1929.