Actresses. The real women who use this service are soliciting for prostitution to support their drug habits. They target desperate and perverted men who can't get a partner elsewhere and spam their commercials at least 12 times an hour for this undercover call girl service full of fat white trash and pedophiles to make a buck, meanwhile..poluting the world with new strains of hpv, hiv and much much more. Call Today!
The girl in the Quest phone commercial is named Melissa. Her last name is not known. She is a very popular for doing the commercial as several internet boards are dedicated to her.
Ashley Green
The Buy.XXX commercials have actually featured four pornographic actresses. The following women have appeared in the commercials.Nina MercedezKiara MiaStormy DanielsSophia Santi
Flo is her name in the commercials, her real name is Stephanie Courtney and she is a senior member of the improve group the groundlings in los angeles.
Her name is bedroom eyes. She is very hot and I'd love to let her blow on my dice........ ;-))
I'm not sure who the actual singer is, she may be one of the girls in the early commercials, but the songwriter is Deedee o' Malley
Chatline number in mn with free trial.
Habbo is one of the best chatline like Galatic football but not quite
You can find a list of lesbian chatline numbers on the website Lavender Line.
They are professional actors.
Ashley Green
It Depends what Country Your from
Is it Lauren Graham from Gilmore Girls???
Kelly Britz and Tina Milano
one episode without commercials is 45min