Jodie Foster enrolled in Yale University to study literature. She graduated magna cum laude in 1985 with a
Diane Sawyer, (read her bio)
Gloria Aldred, (lawyer, read bio)
Barbara Walters, (read her bio)
Yes, they are. And so are brunettes and redheads and others.
Harry dosent have a prefrence although he has dated mostly blondes Liam, zayn, louis and niall all prefer brunettes.
Legally Blondes
hot pink
if blondes are dumb, brunettes are intelligent+alsoBEAUTIFUL. i dont really like stereotypes tbh anyway lolz xx
who knows but joe. It's usually blondes. Ugly blondes for the most part. Yes this as a rake ugly blondes that are famous with unusual eyes
Intelligence is not determined by hair color. People of any hair color can be intelligent or not. It's important to avoid stereotypes and judge individuals based on their own unique qualities and abilities.
No, they are adjectives, they describe the quality of a noun, and not the noun intelligent studenta friendly neighbora famous actorThe noun form for intelligent is intelligence.The noun form for friendly is friendliness.The noun form for famous is famousness.
Marlyn Monroe, Gwen Stefani, Pink, Scarlot Johannson, Eminen.
In my opinion blondes are somewhat on the wild side. They are also crazy. Maybe some are not but I'm not an expert on blondes because I'm not one. So just ask a blonde if they're crazy.
Milly and Becky are famous because they appeared on Suit Life of Zack & Cody, Suit Life on Deck, & Legally Blondes.
Some common stereotypes associated with brunettes include being seen as intelligent, mysterious, passionate, and down-to-earth. They may also be stereotyped as more serious or dramatic compared to blondes.
genius - intelligent as famous artist - creative
Because he was very intelligent
well i don't think they do because its different for everyone!!! in lots of cases brunettes have bigger boobs than blondes. its just your genes. if yours are bigger than a brunette friends then it doesn't matter it shouldn't change anything else in your life!!! Plus you shouldn't compare yourself to others it will just bring your self esteem down!!!
because they're blondes