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Harry dosent have a prefrence although he has dated mostly blondes

Liam, zayn, louis and niall all prefer brunettes.

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They like blondes best

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Q: Which hair colour do one direction like?
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What colour does harry hair in one direction?


What color does zayn from one direction not like?

well his FAVOURITE colour is red

Do one direction like straight or curly hair?


What is One Direction's color?

The official One Direction colour is red.

What do the boys in One Direction like?

they are like normal boys but have amazing voices, hair, bodies, and looks.

I love kylie minogues hair colour in the i believe in you and chocolate music videos and really want to dye it that colour but i have to dye it at home what bottled hair color is the closest to that?

it all depends on your natural hair colour. go to your local drug store and find similar colour to the one in the video. on the side of the box there are before and after photos of what your hair will look like. choose one closest to hers :) hope i helped!

Who is Luis on One Direction?

His name is spelled Louis, and he is the one with the hair that's swooped to the side like Bieber.

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What is Louis from one direction favourite colour?


What is Louis favorite color from one direction?

Louis from One Direction's favourite colour is red.

What do the dream girls of One Direction look like?

They have said to like girls with light brown hair and blue eyes!!