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Hitler, Stalin, Tojo, and Mussolini.

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Q: Who are famous demagogues?
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What do huey long father coughlin and francis townsend have in common?

they are both demagogues

Why were Huey Long and Father Coughlin referred to as demagogues?

They manipulated people with half-truths and scare tactics

Who were the most powerful politicians in Athens?

First the kings, who were replaced by the oligarchs, who were replaced by the tyrants, who were replaced by the demagogues under the democracy

When did Athenian democracy work the best?

Before the death of Pericles, after which demagogues led the people astray, leading to defeat in the Peloponnesian War.

Why are Huey Long and Father Charles E Coughlin referred to as demagogues?

Both men talked about the unbalanced distribution of power and wealth during the hard times of the Great Depression

What does the German word demagogue mean?

'Demagogue' is not a German word, it is an English word. It means 'one who is good at whipping up feelings or frenzy in a crowd'. Hitler and Lenin were demagogues.

Why do words empower change?

Words play not only on the mind but also on feelings. When you `move`a person he is motivated to act, so demagogues of all ages have played upon the feelings rather than on reason....

What did Aristotle think of democracy?

Aristotle believed that democracy was prone to manipulation by demagogues and could lead to tyranny if the majority lacked virtue and wisdom. He favored a form of government known as polity, which combined elements of democracy and oligarchy, where power was held by a virtuous middle class.

Did Socrates like or dislike democracy?

Socrates was critical of democracy because he believed that it could be easily manipulated by demagogues and lead to unjust decision-making. He was also concerned about the influence of majority opinion over truth and reason.

What influence did Plato have on democracy?

Plato was critical of democracy as he believed it allowed for demagogues to manipulate the masses. He argued for a meritocratic system where philosopher-kings ruled based on their knowledge and wisdom. His ideas influenced later political theorists who sought to create more stable and just forms of government.

What is a drawback to a direct democracy?

One inherent problem in direct democracy is tabulating the votes of the entire populace. There is no way to have a direct democracy without having a mechanism to tabulate and measure the votes.

How did Plato's opinion of the democracy differ from that of Socrates?

Plato criticized democracy for being prone to manipulation by demagogues and promoting self-interest over the common good. Socrates, on the other hand, valued democracy and believed in its potential for fostering critical thinking and individual autonomy, even though he was critical of its flaws.