His father is Choza Akimichi and he has an unnamed mother.
View the related links below
Chōza Akimichi
No, it is Chojis Theme (Unreleased) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EeV8WyfEXU
he had to have parents we all have parents
Hidan's Parents Aren't Mentioned.
Her parents are Richard and Elyssa Yanofsky.
May 1
Chōza Akimichi
No, it is Chojis Theme (Unreleased) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EeV8WyfEXU
Are your parents.
your parents : tes parents
Your Parents and their parents and their parents and their parents...you get the idea=)
Mao's parents were your parents.
the parents are mira`s parents
Both are correct, but unless the word parents is meant to be emphasized, we prefer "you and your parents."
her parents worked in the feilds.
Not necessarily. Parents have to set limits and some parents don't do enough of that.
The possessive form for the plural noun parents is parents'.Example: My parents' house is nicely landscaped. (the house of my parents)