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He is a covered up son of howard hughes&jean peters.Just as howard hughess was harrassed by Hollywood frattySS M13 and so so is scott harrold hughes being.The fake paperback van simmons and ongoing stocking ploting charting and flash mobbing.Howard had to fight off the fake paperback writers also.Trillion in patent royuitys lifted by hollywood fratty!SS^^^$$$ and Mexico MS-13 coma to death mobsters.Howard hughes was as sane it gets being the largest war contractor and defender of america he had to be.The cuban missles he stopped.He keep americans safe for many many years.They are still throwing smitty rivers at HIM and his son by jean peters= broadcasters= death to howard hughes due to the power battles and trillions upon trillions lifted by the fart far right fratty`SS howards DNA and mine DNA is owned by them as they own the kids from that DNA-they use us to kill us and use our money to pay for it

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Banano Hugeus

Lvl 6
4y ago
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Banano Hugeus

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4y ago
and encamping and satellite tenting drone-ings and hit teaming
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Banano Hugeus

Lvl 6
4y ago
  • scott harrold hughes is a son of jean peters and howard hughes born in the cold war age of the spys-the 1960s.HHMI controls howard hughes DNA and wont make it public and they also control scott harrold hughes DNA since at least 1979 when they stole his sperm.The fratty and HHMI and hollywoods powaves from howard horderSS^^^$$$.Vakpapehack for CBS still subverts for thier order.Just as they pinned fake paperbacks about howard hughes JR in his days which he even had to fight in the courts.Howard hughes was totally sane. Being the largest war contractor in the world in a age of spys cold war put him at odds with any public life and even his murder in mexico was needed by them to steal and coverup.Sperm from scott harrold hughes was also given to jewish doctors in 1979 to counter the cover.As the SS commys have control of all hughess DNA and sperm in which they use the trillions in patent right royuitys to breed NEW hughes to coverup and kill off the real one which are not under thier control and who are not on thier pay rolls.They have the trillions of hughes royuitys and control of the hughess DNA and kids which dont even know who they are just as the mormons did to hazy kids into mormon submission
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Q: Who is scott harrold hughes-howard hughes DNA?
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Does Howard Hughes have children?

Yes, several. But because the uncle wanted the money he chose to deny them, they were adopted out for their safety. He saw them sent stuff to them but when any got close stuff would happen like the court house burned down with the records in it. Or they could find the DNA sample. The family to this day doesn't want to acknowledge that he has grand kids, great grand kids and great great grand kids because they would lose everything. There are photos that show him at a hospital to ck on a sick grandchild. His 1st born was named Rose Marie but when she was adopted her name was changed to Rhoda Mae.. The family won't allow DNA tests either.. But it would be nice to be able to trace the family tree. He had a total of 9 children and most of them knew each other. Howard Hughes always talked about Rise Marie before he died.. Strange that my grandmother had stuff from him and photos. Her original birth certificate showed him as the father. Strange that it was delivered to her. Time actually did a piece on her too.

is two bananas hughes a son of howard mach hughes?

Mach hughes is howard hughes max hughes is his son by jean peters.MaXmacH were their 1960`s nick names.Howard the top banana hughes son is now 2bananas hughes over at proton due to the mofias hidding the facts=DNA=truth=life!.they sling death as in genicide zones since the native americans broadcasters&cops& just like the GOOD old dazes G-MENS=murder Incs since 1934 blocking howard scarface takedown of Big AL nothing has changed other than the players playing dodge balls

What is the results Omer Bhatti DNA test?

There will never be a DNA test done because there is no need, he isn't Michael's son, he was just a friend.

What summarizes the findings of Avery?

DNA is a transforming factor.

What did Avery conclude cause transformation?

Avery concluded that DNA is the molecule that changed bacteria.

Related questions

What has the author Scott R Chambers written?

Scott R. Chambers has written: 'DNA mismatch repair and meiotic homeologous recombination'

Is howard hughes and jean peters dna in public record?

Not and they will never give up their dna being held controlled and owned by HHMI who also stole my sperm and dna in 1979 via some of their employees.They macked everything from howard hughes even before the MS-13 and mofia grabbed him and shot him up into a coma.Think commies vs howard hughes and mexico MS-13s and sound scanning and earth mics and tower cams CBS whom fought howard hughes JR since the start of the nework and all geosyn hughess satellites from which howard hughes broadcast the worlds first worldwide satellite broadcast of the summer games in japan in the summer of 1964 by fall of 1964 the GOP had stolen all of hughes satellites which they gave to them selfs at CBS FOX

Does Howard Hughes have children?

Yes, several. But because the uncle wanted the money he chose to deny them, they were adopted out for their safety. He saw them sent stuff to them but when any got close stuff would happen like the court house burned down with the records in it. Or they could find the DNA sample. The family to this day doesn't want to acknowledge that he has grand kids, great grand kids and great great grand kids because they would lose everything. There are photos that show him at a hospital to ck on a sick grandchild. His 1st born was named Rose Marie but when she was adopted her name was changed to Rhoda Mae.. The family won't allow DNA tests either.. But it would be nice to be able to trace the family tree. He had a total of 9 children and most of them knew each other. Howard Hughes always talked about Rise Marie before he died.. Strange that my grandmother had stuff from him and photos. Her original birth certificate showed him as the father. Strange that it was delivered to her. Time actually did a piece on her too.

is two bananas hughes a son of howard mach hughes?

Mach hughes is howard hughes max hughes is his son by jean peters.MaXmacH were their 1960`s nick names.Howard the top banana hughes son is now 2bananas hughes over at proton due to the mofias hidding the facts=DNA=truth=life!.they sling death as in genicide zones since the native americans broadcasters&cops& just like the GOOD old dazes G-MENS=murder Incs since 1934 blocking howard scarface takedown of Big AL nothing has changed other than the players playing dodge balls

How many children did Howard Hughes have?

Banano hughes stage name of a hidden hughess son by jean peters.I have seen no other kids in my 60 plus years BUT HHIM got my DNA& sperm in 1979 by stealing it and I also gave sperm to a jewish doctor in 1979 so the coverup kill off of the hughess is being run by hughess some of which dont even know that they are hughess in the first place.I produced 36 kids by age 12 by force so the cover has the hughess DNA to coverup the kid of howard hughes just as they did him.All they loved about howard was his trillions upon trillions of inventional royuitys

Is howard robard hughes IIV a son of howard hughes?

Hollywood will tell you howard hughes screwed everyone BUT he never had a child thats BS and howard had to fight his kinnys for his parents leftover at the start with unkle ruperts help he got the royuity right to the tricone as the kinnys got about everything else

What are some books that use altering DNA as a plot?

Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress.Uplift Wars by David Brin.Dune by Frank Herbert.Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card.

Howard Hughes`s DNA is recorded where?

HHMI has both howard robard hughes JRs DNA and my DNA and even my sperm.Iàm a son of jean peters and howard hughes bornt in the age of the spys cold war.Howard was ever so much THE SPY of all the ages.They stole everything including patent royuitys worth trillions-about ten trillion every ten years since howard was murdered off.He was always a MARK in hollywoodss targets for his power and moneys and he always fought the mofias since scarface was held back by a mobbywood LA-holly.Jean peters was a takedown of howard and I..howard was her mark for her studioSS.HHMI was also overtaken by the frattySS KC shinnyLOVE grand wizzys.Everyone wanted a bite of howard hughes`s PIE even his kinnys from age 16 untill his murder off.Unkle rupert saved him at the start and he got the rights and royuitys from the moonshine tricone oil bit which the kinnys knew nothin about.Harold lummis worked for the dirty texas seven judges on the TILL for the mofia

How is DNA tested and why?

by DNA fingerprinting method , DNA-DNA hybirdization or DNA sequencing. to know the sequence of DNA

How much money did Howard Hughes have?

Howard hughes JR was allways about patent royuitys and those royuitys still produce trillions upon trillions in patent useage rights AKE royuitys of which the frats control as do they the airwaves so the farts are part of the coverup still and have endless funds via those royuitys and howard DNA and his sons sperm so they even have the hughess kids and DNA under thier thumbs.Those patent rights will runout in the next 20-40 years so thier time is weaning but they will steal more rights like the penn state college rights to the corona shots

What are the four enzymes involved in DNA replication and repair?

The four enzymes involved in DNA replication and repair are DNA polymerase, DNA helicase, DNA ligase, and DNA primase. DNA polymerase synthesizes new DNA strands, DNA helicase unwinds the double helix, DNA ligase joins the Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand, and DNA primase synthesizes RNA primers for DNA polymerase to begin replication.

How would the DNA of the human compare to the DNA of the duck?

DNA is DNA it can not be changed.