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Avery concluded that DNA is the molecule that changed bacteria.

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Q: What did Avery conclude cause transformation?
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What did the result of Avery's experiments show about the elements that cause transformation?

Avery's experiments showed that DNA, not protein, was the molecule responsible for the transformation of bacteria. This provided strong evidence that DNA is the genetic material that carries hereditary information.

Briefly describe how Avery and his group determined which molecules was most important for transformation?

Avery and his colleagues made an extract, or juice, from the heat-killed bacteria. They then carefully treated the extract with enzymes that destroyed proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and other molecules, including the RNA. Transformation still occurred. Obviously, since these molecules had been destroyed, they were not responsible for the transformation. Your welcome:)

Is it true that Griffth discovered transformation in Bacteria?

No, Frederick Griffith did not discover bacterial transformation. It was Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty who demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material responsible for transformation in bacteria in their famous experiment in 1944.

What experiments helped identify the role of DNA?

Griffith's Discovery of Transformation Avery's Experiments with nucleic acidsHershey-Chase Experiment

Did Avery and his colleagues think that the molecule required a transformation might also be a molecule of the gene?

Yes, Avery and his colleagues believed that the molecule responsible for the transfer of genetic information in their experiments with pneumonia-causing bacteria (the transforming principle) could be the molecule of the gene. They identified DNA as the molecule responsible for genetic transformation.

How did Oswald Avery die?

Oswald Avery died of pancreatic cancer on February 20, 1955. He was a prominent scientist known for his work on DNA and bacterial transformation.

How did Avery discover that the material responsible for transformation in bacteria ws DNA?

Avery and his team discovered that DNA was the genetic material responsible for transformation in bacteria by conducting experiments where they isolated different cellular components and exposed them to bacteria. They found that only the DNA fraction was able to induce the genetic changes characteristic of transformation, leading them to conclude that DNA was the transforming principle.

How was Avery and his group determined which molecule was most important for transformation?

Avery and his group created an extract from bacteria that had been killed by heat and then used enzymes to destroy RNA, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and other such molecules. Because transformation still occurred, they were able to isolate the molecules vital to the process.

What was the conclusion from Avery's experiments?

Avery's experiments on bacteria showed that DNA is the genetic material responsible for transformation. This conclusion was a key discovery in the field of molecular biology and laid the foundation for further research on DNA's role in heredity.

What did Avery's experiments show that transformation?

Avery's experiments demonstrated that DNA, not protein, is the molecule responsible for transferring genetic information in bacteria. This was a significant finding as it helped confirm the role of DNA as the genetic material.

Who discovered transformation was by DNA?

The discovery that transformation was mediated by DNA was made by Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty in 1944 with their experiments on pneumococcus bacteria. They showed that DNA was the substance responsible for genetic transformation, contradicting the previously held belief that proteins were the carriers of genetic information.

How did Avery and his group determine which molecule was most important for what transformation?

Avery and his group determined which molecule was most important for transformation by selectively destroying different components of heat-killed S strain bacteria and observing which component was necessary to transfer the virulent phenotype to R strain bacteria. They found that the DNA component was responsible for this transformation, leading to the conclusion that DNA was the molecule responsible for genetic information transfer.