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Technically blood loss is Hypovolemia, which is a state of decreased blood volume, or more specifically blood plasma. Therefore blood loss is classified as Hypovolemic Shock, which, although independently referred to on its own, can also fall into the class of Distributive Shock. This is caused by any form of hypoxia, which more often then not, is a relative form of Hypovolemia, or blood loss.

So essentially- Hypovolemic Shock=Distributive Shock as it = a relative form of Hypovolemia

So if you are trying to be specific to an the issue, use HS, but if you want a category that also pertains to other similar shock types, use DS.

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Q: Which type of shock results from blood loss?
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only that form of shock caused by large scale loss of blood.

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Hypovolemic shock is primarily caused by poor perfusion, usually from excess blood or fluid loss from the body. Hypovolemic shock is the most common type of pre-hospital shock often resulting from moderate or severe trauma.

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Anaphylaxis is a type of distributive shock, which is one of the four main categories of shock. In anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction results in widespread vasodilation and increased capillary permeability, leading to a rapid drop in blood pressure and inadequate perfusion of organs. This can progress to hypovolemic shock due to fluid loss from the vasculature.

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