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Q: Which stars have died in the last five years?
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When was The Last Five Years created?

The Last Five Years was created in 2001.

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I have written lots of books the last five years

How many accidents were caused by speeding drivers in the last five years?

Over 100,000 people died.

Can stars shine for billions of years?

Yes. Most stars do. Our own star, the sun, is about 4.6 billion years old and is expected to last for about another 5 billion years. The smallest, slowest-burning stars are believed to be able to last for trillions of years. Giant stars, which burn quickly, may only last a few million years.

How many stars did Avatar the Last Airbender get?

I give the TV show five stars, but the movie zero.

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Sailor Stars, Season Five.

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Omar N. Bradley was the last general to receive five stars.

How many hours last five years?

Five years is approximately 43,829.05 hours.

How long will yellow stars live?

Such stars usually last about 10 billion years.

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name of five viruses that have been on computers in the last five years? wat they did? wat there called?