Yes, especially now that he is dead.
NoMichael Jackson is dead, and thus unable to run
No, he's dead.
Ten years, as of July 1, 2011
Yes because he is gay like Michael Jackson with the Jackson Five No, he does not because he is DEAD.
Obviously not he's been dead for almost two years.
No Michael died June 25, 2009.
Michael Jackson is dead.
Michael Jackson was born August 29, 1958 and died June 25, 2009. As of December 16, 2014, pop star Michael Jackson had been dead for 2000 days (5 years, 174 days) As of January 1, 2016, he had been dead for 2381 days (6 years, 189 days). As of April 29, 2016 , he had been dead for exactly 2500 days (includes 2 leap days). On September 11, 2017, he will have been dead for 3000 days. On June 7, 2020, he will have been dead for 4000 days (includes 3 leap days) and for 4018 days on June 25, 2020 (11 years).
Rebbie Jackson is 65 years old at the time of this writing.
no, Michael Jackson is dead.
Michael Jackson's dead
boyz II menushermichael jacksonstevie wonderIf you mean who Justin's idol is, then his idol is Michael Jackson, and if you live under a rock, he's been dead for over 3 years now.If you mean who Justin's idol is, then his idol is Michael Jackson, and if you live under a rock, he's been dead for over 3 years now.
Michael Jackson who is dead and not with us anymore
No, but Michael Jackson is.
Nothing. Micheal Jackson has been dead since June 25, 2009.
As of July 15, 2009 Michael Jackson is the only deceased member of the Jackson 5 or the Jacksons for that matter.