Happy Xmas Everybody sung by Tony Christie written by Noddy Holder, Jim Lea and appears on Mojo's Festive Fifteen.
There is a Christian song called the wall by promise keepers
A band called ACCEPT.
Writings on he wall
"Life's Been Good" - Joe Walsh
Pot kettle black -Tilly and The Wall
It's Slade's song Merry Xmas Everybody. This song was also covered by Rooney.
100 bottles on the wall, idiot.
Mexican Radio by Wall of Voodoo.
The term 10 GBHOTW is in reference to the children's bus song Ten Green Bottles Hanging on the Wall. The song starts out, 10 green bottles hanging on the wall if one of those bottles should happen to fall, there will be 9 green bottles hanging on the wall. It then continues to count down to zero.
There were 10 green bottles hanging on the wall.
Hanging Wall
reverse fault. but that is when the foot wall moves down, the hanging wall moves up. in a strike-slip fault, they slide past each other, the foot wall and hanging wall are not there because it has to be like this to be a reverse or normal fault: hanging wall ----------foot wall ----------- in this diagram, the foot wall has moved down making the hanging wall move up to form a reverse fault. remember this on tests: the hanging wall is always above the fault line: /hanging wall above foot wall below / /
you would call it a normal fault because the hanging wall goes down and the foot wall goes up and over the hanging wall.
because the dry wall isn't suposesd to go all the way to the ground
ar·ras (rs) n. pl. arras1. A wall hanging; a tapestry.2. A curtain or wall hanging, especially one of Flemish origin.