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Amen, The Hogan Family, Head of the Class

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Q: Which sitcoms aired from 1986-1991?
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Why are the animated sitcoms of FOX now only showing on Sundays in the United States?

Now? I'm not exactly sure what it is your asking... FOX has exclusively aired animated programming on Sunday night for well over a decade & animated programming peppered w/ live action sitcoms for two and a half decades.Starting in the 2014-2015 Season, Sunday night will once again have live action sitcoms mixed in with the animated shows.

Is hulu going to get more sitcoms?

They add sitcoms all the time.

Which sitcoms show examples of a dysfunctional family?

There are many sitcoms that show example of this popular theme. Sitcoms with examples of dysfunctional families include The Simpsons, Family Guy, and the Addams from the Addams Family.

Why are sitcoms funny?

Sitcoms can be funny if the viewer connects it to their own personal life. But some sitcoms are stupid and viewers get pleasure off of watching the characchters run around and make problems for themselves

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Because it would flood the sitcoms with subtle advertisement. thus there is regulation to ban this sort of activity

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Bill Cosby

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The cast of Canceled Sitcoms - 2000 includes: David Gobble as Walter Vincent Harriger as The Neighbor

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Pioneers of Television - 2008 Sitcoms 1-1 was released on: USA: 2 January 2008

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Barney Miller.