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Draco Malfoy. His mother is Narcissa Malfoy (née Black), who is the cousin of Sirius Black.

Others are, distantly. Harry himself is very distantly related to Sirius, because the Black family tree shows a Charlus Potter and Dorea Potter (nee Black) marrying. Ron Weasley's parents are both somehow linked to the House of Black, with Molly's uncle having married a Black and Arthur's mother being a Black before she married Septimus Weasley (and being subsequently burnt off the family tree for marrying a 'blood traitor'). Neville Longbottom is also distantly related to the Blacks.

This is the case with a pureblood family such as the Blacks, much to Sirius' amusement when he shows Harry the family tree. In order to keep the bloodline pure, many wizards and witches end up marrying relatives. Sirius' own parents were second cousins before their marriage!

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Draco Malfoy. They are second cousins.

The Weasley family are also somewhat distantly related, all pure-blood families are.

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Are the Weasleys Potters and Blacks relatives?

Well , no they are not ..Sirius Black is known to be Harrys GODfather with wishes from his dad but there is no blood relation and the weasleys are not related by any way ..:)

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Yes, Draco Malfoy is his second cousin. All of the pure-blood pupils, including the Weasley's, are also related to him in someway as all pure-blood families are.

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They're not actually related, as in "blood relatives", but Sirius Black is Harry's godfather.

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Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew

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Cedrella is Sirius' greatgrandfather's brother's daughter. (His mother's father's father's brother's daughter)

Is Ginny Weasley related to Sirius Black?

Yes, all pure-bloods are related in some way. Ginny's grandmother was Sirius' niece.

What death eater families are Sirius Black related to in Harry Potter?

Bellatrix LeStrange, Narcissa Malfoy and the other Malfoys that serve Voldemort (Draco Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy) are related to Sirius Black.

What is the name of harry potters godfather and where was he imprsoned?

He is called Sirius Black after the constellation, Sirius. All the people in the Black family are named after constellations. James Potter picked Sirius as his sons godfather because they had been best friends since the age of eleven.