From Wiktionary: "snuffle: to sniff with the nose loudly and audibly". Sirius Black had the capacity to turn into a dog.
He is otherwise known as Padfoot by James, Peter and Remus. His code name in the Second Wizarding War became 'Snuffles,' because 'Padfoot' was too risky (Peter would recognize this).
No, Sirius Black is Sirius Black, Remus Lupin is someone else. (Actually they are close friends.)
Sirius was a bear like dog, probably a mongrel or something like that
Sirius Black
The name Sirius refers to the star of the same name. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. It is also the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major (Great Dog) it is sometimes called the Dog Star. The name Sirius Black therefore fits very nicely with his ability to transform into a large black dog. Several of Sirius' relatives are also named after stars and constellations.
Snuffles is the nickname for Sirius Black's animagus form. Because Sirius is a wanted criminal, they refer to him as 'Snuffles' in public (Padfoot being too risky, as this name was used openly back in his Hogwarts years). So, pretty much, Snuffles is the dog version of Sirius Black.
"Padfoot's" real name is Sirius Black. Another nickname he tells Harry to call him in public is "Snuffles."
Harry, Ron and Hermione refer to him as Snuffles in letters and public conversations.
He is otherwise known as Padfoot by James, Peter and Remus. His code name in the Second Wizarding War became 'Snuffles,' because 'Padfoot' was too risky (Peter would recognize this).
No. Sirius black is a human.
Gary Oldman plays Sirius Black, otherwise known as Padfoot
Padfoot (not 'Padford') is the nickname of Harry's godfather Sirius Black, given to him because his Animagus form is a great black dog, presumably with padded feet.
No, Sirius Black is Sirius Black, Remus Lupin is someone else. (Actually they are close friends.)
Sirius is Harry's godfather. Sirius Black is Harry's godfather.Harry is sirius's Godson.
Sirius Black's motorbike was a 1959 Triumph Bonneville T-120.
Yes. Sirius Black is Harry Potter's godfather in the series.
'Snivellus' is a nickname for (Professor) Severus Snape, and was used regularly by his school rivals James Potter and Sirius Black when they were boys.