She doesn't.
Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore dies in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, both the book and the movie. He's killed by Professor Severus Snape with the Avada Kedavra spell after Harry and Dumbledore had been to the cave where they found a Horcrux that turned out to be fake. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it's revealed that the death was planned between the two of them.
No,he graduates.
No, she survived.
Yes, Dumbledore is killed by Snape in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Harry did not die in the book or movie. thank god i love harry
He doesn't die
no towards the end of the second harry potter movie
He didn't die in any of them.
Daniel Radcliffe's character Harry Potter doesn't die no.
Harry doesn't die and there isn't a ninth film.
No. But it's debatable.
No, Harry Potter has a near death experience but does not die. The part of Voldemort's soul inside Harry died.
Yes she does by Molly Weasley.
Albus Dumbledore.
No. He was poisoned by the basilisk, but did not die.